Author: Lauren Mulvey

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is drawing up a proposal to put an end to the rule that bans men who have had sex with other men from donating sperm. The FDA is planning on trading the full ban for a set of carefully curated screening questions that will evaluate an individual’s risk for transiting HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, according to The Wall Street Journal. The current ban on MSM was put into place at the height of the AIDS epidemic, and intended to block high risk sperm donors from spreading diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis. Since…

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Over the past year, many far-right conservatives have made it their mission to protest every image of progress in the media. This has included everything from a children’s animated television series, to beer advertisements and dog food ads. Conservatives are up-in-arms over even the briefest depiction of queer identities. Here are five LGBTQ+ representations in the media that made conservatives go bonkers during the past year. Dylan Mulvaney’s collab with Bud Light A social media ad campaign for Bud Light beer with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney, sent an uproar through conservative communities around the country who love to drink…

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The Biden Administration has extended the reach of famous civil rights law Title IX to provide more protections and support for LGBTQ+ students, survivors of sexual assault, and pregnant and parenting students.  Title IX was first passed into law in 1972 under President Richard Nixon. Initially, the law sought to address discrimination on the basis of gender in education. Since then Title IX has seen vast changes to address sexual harassment, discrimination, and misconduct in national educational institutions. And today it continues to expand. The U.S. Department of Education’s newest rules guarantee protections to LGBTQ+ students who face discrimination on the…

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Last week, the German Parliament voted to pass a new law that allows trans people to easily change their legal gender with a simple administrative procedure. The new law makes this gender-affirming practice a breeze and replaces outdated preconditions from the ‘80s that required people seeking to legally change their gender to provide declarations of support from doctors. It also no longer requires individuals to undergo invasive procedures, according to The Washington Blade. Also included in the new law are fines for up to $11,000 for those who disclose a trans person’s deadname or previous gender with malice, unless required…

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Gender dysphoria clinics across the U.K. are facing inquiries following concerns raised about the care they provide to the LGBTQIA+ community.  According to The Guardian, The National Health Service of England (NHS England) announced it would be setting up a review of how seven specialist services deliver care, following alarming reports from past and present staff.  This announcement also follows the publication of the Cass report last week which made suggestions on how the U.K.’s health system should restructure the way in which trans youth receive care, Pink News reports.  So what is the Cass report? It’s an NHS-funded report…

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A new report has found that job-seekers who display pronouns on their resumes are less likely to be hired than those who exclude them. The study was conducted by an University of Toronto economics PhD student Taryn Eames, who evaluated the findings from 7,970 fictitious CVs submitted to job vacancies across 15 occupations in six of the country’s major cities. Eames sent CVs to both corporate giants and small businesses to render her results. Each job listing received a fictitious job application with and without pronouns included, and Eames found those without the identifier were more likely to move to the…

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The United Nations has taken a big stride in LGBTQIA+ rights by passing a resolution to stop intersex discrimination. According to Pink News, this resolution is the first of its kind recognizing that “persons with innate variations in sex characteristics,” have faced discrimination in “all areas of life.” The resolution was published last week with no opposition from any member states.  The resolution officially calls on all member states to “combat discrimination, violence, and harmful practices against intersex people. This is the first of its kind for the United Nations,” according to the Office of the High Commissioner of Human…

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A bill against the LGBTQ+ community has been proposed in Kansas to censor queer websites citing them as a danger to minors. If passed, Kansas’ new bill would require age verification on sites where more than 25% of its content is deemed “harmful to minors.” Depictions of homosexuality and other LGBTQ+ identities are included on the list of “harmful” content.  In the proposed bill, even pictures of queer couples holding hands could potentially be considered “pornographic” Democrats warn. In the statute, homosexuality is listed alongside “overtly sexual acts” as harmful to minors.  According to the Kansas City Star, Democrat Rep.…

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Judges Melissa DuBose and Nicole Berner made history last month after the Senate confirmed their judicial appointments. LGBTQ Nation reports, DuBose makes history as the first woman of color and the first out LGBTQ+ person on the Rhode Island District Courts, while Berner was appointed to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, making her the first gay person to serve in the role.  DuBose and Berner are not only openly LGBTQ+, but both are also working moms. DuBose, who is married with two sons, told the Washington Blade, she is grateful to her children “for gracing me…

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Thailand has passed a landmark bill legalizing same-sex marriage, being the first Southeast Asian country to do so. According to CBS News, lawmakers in Thailand’s lower house of Parliament approved the marriage bill on March 27. In its final reading, the bill received the approval of 400 out of 415 members of the House of Representatives – 10 voted against, two abstained and three did not vote.  The bill amends the current Civil and Commercial code to alter the words “men and women” and “husband and wife” to “individuals” and “marriage partners.” This gives LGBTQ+ couples full access to legal,…

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Canadian celebrities are showing their support for Trans rights in a letter titled “Artists Against Anti-Trans Legislation in Canada,” which highlights the ways in which the country is failing the trans community.   The letter was drawn up by pop duo Tegan and Sara, whose foundation raises funds to fight for LGBTQ+ equality and justice through programming and support of grassroots organizations and activists. Signers include Canadian icons, actor Elliot Page, pop singer Carly Rae Jepsen, Alanis Morrisette, and Adam DiMarco. In March, Tegan and Sara accepted the Humanitarian Award at the 2024 June Awards, the Canadian Academy of Recording…

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Washington state has mandated that public schools begin teaching LGBTQ+ history. Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington signed a new law last week that will ensure the state’s public schools introduce new curriculum detailing LGBTQ+ history by 2025  In signing this bill into law, Washington joins six other progressive states which have already implemented similar mandates for public schools. These states include: California, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada, Illinois and New Jersey, according to LGBTQ+ think tank, Movement Advancement Project.  The new law seeks to encourage feelings of safety and acceptance at school for students of all races, gender and sexual identities.  NBC affiliate…

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In response to anti-LGBTQ+ bills proposed in Louisiana, queer high school students hoped to inspire change by performing a play about their own experiences and struggles.  When legislation was introduced to regulate students’ pronouns, bathroom use, and discussions of gender and sexuality in the classroom, it was met with protests from students. At Benjamin Franklin high school in New Orleans, students have held walkouts, and this year students are trying a different approach.  After writing a play based on their own experiences, the students performed it on the steps of the state Capitol, hoping to spark more empathy, according to…

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In a proclamation given on Transgender Day of Visibility, President Joe Biden showed his support for the LGBTQ+ community be stating that trans people are “a part of the fabric of our nation.” Biden’s statement addressed the contributions made by trans people to American society, and referenced the actions his administration has taken to stop anti-LGBTQ+ extremism. The statement reads: “I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my Administration and to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military.  I am proud to have signed historic Executive Orders that strengthen civil rights protections in…

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A new government funding package signed on Saturday by President Biden includes a provision banning the flying of LGBTQ+ Pride flags over U.S. embassies.  The $1.2 trillion package was signed on the same day the White House vowed to work toward repealing the provision, according to CBS News. Though the bill does not explicitly cite Pride flags in its ban, it declares that any flag other than the U.S. flag and other government related flags cannot be flown at any U.S. Department facility. This reverses a 2021 State Department authorization that allowed LGBTQ+ flags at these locations, according to Forbes.…

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Prepare your best rainbow outfits and grab your glow-in-the-dark accessories for the diverse and vibrant Pride Prom in Orlando on April 14.  The whole LGBTQIA+ community is invited to dance the night away from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. at the Orlando Science Center. This year’s theme is “Be Your Brightest Self”  Pride Prom is hosted by Come Out with Pride and is presented by Pineapple Healthcare, a medical practice that provides a full range of health services for the LGBTQIA+ community in Orlando, Florida.  “We’re thrilled to host the 2024 Pride Prom in partnership with Pineapple Healthcare,” said Tatiana Quiroga,…

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MacKenzie Scott is donating millions to LGBTQ+ and progressive nonprofits in a continuation of her charitable donations through Yield Giving. Scott retained $36.3 billion after her divorce from Jeff Bezos in 2019 in which she received a 4% stake in Amazon. Scott and Bezos were married for 26 years prior to their divorce. According to reports from Pink News, she plans to donate $640 million of her wealth to 361 “leftist” charities. Fifteen of the receiving charities work directly with LGBTQ+ causes and struggles.   Scott keeps an online database for her giving initiative, Yield Giving, which she launched in 2019. The…

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A high court in Japan has ruled that the country’s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, and called for the government to amend current marriage laws. For years, Japan has been the only G7 state to not allow same-sex unions. Over the past year, however, small victories have been paving the way to marriage equality. In the summer of 2023, the Nagoya District Court first ruled that bans on same-sex marriage were unconstitutional. Though this was a relatively low court, the acknowledgement was considered a big win for Japan’s LGBTQ+ community. Also in 2023, Japan ruled mandatory sterilization of transgender…

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Springtime in Provincetown is filled with exciting things to do, see, and experience. Enjoy the beautiful coastline along the Atlantic, explore queer-owned shops in town, and spend evenings imbibing and dancing at some of the region’s best gay bars, restaurants, and clubs.  In May, Ptown hosts Single Women’s Weekend where lesbian singles are invited to mingle over dancing, food, dune tours, and late night parties. During this event, Ptown remains an ever-safe space for women to connect with themselves and each other. The empowerment continues into June with Women of Color Weekend, three days of events exclusively for LGBTQ+ women…

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Drag icon RuPaul announced his new partnership with a bookstore called Allstora to send a Rainbow Book Bus around the country to provide young readers with banned books.  Other figures behind the Rainbow Book Bus include actor and drag performer Adam Powell, and Eric Cervini, author of the Pulitzer Prize-nominated history book The Deviant’s War: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America, according to LGBTQ Nation. Cervini and Powell are partners and both can be found sharing the book bus’ tour throughout the country on their Instagram pages.  Books featuring topics and themes of sexuality, identity, race, and social…

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March is Women’s History Month and many women throughout history have paved the way for today’s LGBTQ+ community. Whether members of the community, or allies to them, we’re remembering these women because they not only understood the struggles of queer folk, but they help create a better world for them. Sylvia Rivera Before her death over two decades ago, trans activist Sylvia Rivera was one of the leaders of the American LGBTQ+ rights movement. Her journey through the frontlines of queer activism started in New York City where she found herself amongst other trans youth rejected by their loved ones.…

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The American Psychological Association (APA) is doubling down on public support for gender-affirming care with a new policy statement. In their official statement, APA addresses “the spread of misleading and unfounded narratives that mischaracterize gender dysphoria and affirming care, likely resulting in further stigmatization, marginalization, and lack of access to psychological and medical supports for transgender, gender diverse, and nonbinary individuals.” The APA is a leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology across the United States and has over 157,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students as its members. Arriving at a poignant moment for the LGBTQ+ community, the APA’s statement…

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The city of Huntington Beach, California has voted to ban LGBTQ+ Pride flags and other nongovernmental banners from city property. The decision was made by a vote which favored the ban by 58%. The ban is being referred to as Measure B, which not only bans displays of Pride flags, but also breast cancer awareness and religious flags, among others. Huntington Beach City Council Member Rhonda Bolton, opposed the vote and told NBC, “If people think it’s OK or it becomes normalized to display bigotry towards a particular group, then folks are going to crawl out of their rock and…

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The Paris 2024 Olympics are quickly approaching and we’re taking a moment to appreciate the LGBTQ+ athletes taking part in this year’s games.  Some of the most famous LGBTQ+ athletes competing in this year’s games include the fastest woman in the world, Sha’Carri Richardson, a 23 year old American track and field sprinter who identifies as bisexual. Last summer, she won the world championship 100-meter title. In the Summer Games, she will represent Team USA.  Emma Twigg and Robbie Manson representing New Zealand, who both identify as gay, will be competing in rowing. Manson, who represents New Zealand, qualified for…

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The European LGBTQ+ Travel Alliance (ELTA) has partnered with Rail Europe to promote diversity and inclusivity in the travel industry.  The collaboration will include specialized journeys and packages exclusively available to members of the LGBTQIA+ community. According to Rail Europe, these deals will emphasize “a collective dedication to fostering a welcoming and safe travel environment for all, irrespective of gender, sexuality, or identity.” Specialized journeys for LGBTQIA+ travelers will stop at culturally and historically significant destinations, but will also support the community by transporting them to festivals and pride celebrations across Europe. “It is a historic agreement for LGBTQ+ tourism…

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Ghana’s parliament has unanimously passed a bill criminalizing all LGBTQ+ people. Once approved by President Nana Akufo-Addo, the bill will not only make it a crime to identify as LGBTQ+ or engaged in same-sex activity, but it will also increase jail time for those advocating for LGBTQ+ rights from three to five years, according to Pink News. Criminalized acts will include funding and promoting LGBTQ+ causes, failure to report an LGBTQ+ person to authorities, publication of pro-LGBTQ+ content on social platforms, public displays of affection, and more. Global backlash followed the passage of the archaic and draconian bill. The United…

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A new nonbinary X-Men character has conservative Marvel fans in shambles after the trailer of the highly anticipated “X-men ‘97’” show was released in February.  The new show, which was originally announced in late 2021 is expected to be released on streaming platform Disney+ on March 20. The new season will feature 10 episodes. According to Forbes, the storyline will pick up where the original cartoon left off after the death of team founder Professor Charles Xavier. However, fans are less concerned with the death of a beloved character and more troubled by the introduction of nonbinary shapeshifting character,…

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Though New York’s Staten Island has not fully decided to cast aside its antiquated exclusionary rules and welcome LGBTQ+ groups into the borough’s annual St. Patrick’s Day parade, a separate inclusive parade will now allow these groups. In recent years, one of New York’s most controversial boroughs has sparked a whole lot of debate in maintaining the hateful exclusion of LGBTQ+ groups and people from its biggest parade.  According to CBS News, Staten Island parade organizers have been denying applications from groups like Pride Center of Staten Island and the Gay Officers Action League for years. And despite many LGBTQ+…

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A new bill introduced last week in Georgia echoes similar legislation from nearly a decade ago, protecting religious rights and potentially giving people and groups a license to discriminate.  According to AP News, the bill would protect “religious rights from being trampled by state and local governments in a measure opponents say would provide a legal shield” for discrimination in the name of religion. The bill, named the Religious Freedom Restoration Act after the 1993 federal law, was first introduced in 2016, but was vetoed by then-Gov. Nathan Deal after Georgia’s businesses owners voiced concern over drops in tourism and…

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The death of a nonbinary 16-year old, Nex Benedict, after an altercation with other students from their Oklahoma school has sparked a nationwide campaign against anti-LGBTQ bullying.  According to ABC News, Vice President Kamala Harris was one of the most recent political figures to speak out on the student’s death saying “My heart goes out to Nex Benedict’s family, friends, and their entire community.”  “To the LGBTQI+ youth who are hurting and are afraid right now: President Joe Biden and I see you, we stand with you, and you are not alone.”  The tragedy was also addressed by the White…

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